The Avenue Road Food Bank is a Daily Bread member food bank located in and operated by the Church of the Messiah. We provide weekly food support to community families and individuals. We are supported by dedicated volunteers, our partners, and many generous donors.

The Avenue Road Food Bank can no longer take new registrations onsite.  Please register at to be directed to your closest food bank. 
Register here
DB Locations here.

We are open with enhanced COVID-19 protections and protocols. We have returned to grocery shopping model. Each guest may select their own groceries.

Location: Church of the Messiah (240 Avenue Road, Toronto)

Entrance: Doors marked ”Bell Tower” at the corner of Dupont and Avenue

Open Hours: Wednesday, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Giving to The Church of the Messiah

Financial support maintains the life and work of the church.

You may give in person during a service through the collection plate by cheque or in cash. You may also mail a donation to the church office.

You may give online and receive an immediate tax receipt through our Canada Helps page. You may make a one-time gift or set up a monthly donation to help the church plan ahead.

If you wish to give directly to the Foodbank, on the right side of the Canada Helps page you will find a drop down menu under “Apply your donation to a fund set up by this charity* and choose “Avenue Road Food Bank”

If you wish to give by cheque: the cheque should be made out to Church of the Messiah with foodbank in the “RE:” space.

Give online from The Church of the Messiah’s Canada Helps page.

Donate Now Through!

ARFB Report (for March 17, 2025)

from Stefanie Cepuch

Spring is trying to break through – the sunshine is gorgeous today!!  Even the rain on the weekend had a spring feel to it, and it helped clean up the streets.  Everything is looking bit more cheerful!

From last week
435 households
851 individuals
March Break last week, and we had LOTS of children in with their parents.  Liz set up a table with some fun craft items and small toys (thank you Mary Ann for the Dollarama run!), and it was a big hit.
We ran out of eggs, bread, and most of the produce, but were able to top up with canned veg at the end of the day.

The church is stuffed to the gills with personal care items!  Our wonderful donor has provided us with another six months worth of body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, etc, and we are looking forward to our first big hygiene day of the year on April 2.  Thank you to Tara for helping to pick up everything from the warehouse, and Lynda, Liz, and Victoria for sorting and storing it all.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that, some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2



For GTA open food banks and meal programs please check Toronto 211 Information


For this year’s and earlier newsletters, please select from the list below:

To receive our quarterly newsletters by email, please subscribe to our email list.

Proud partners of

  • Daily Bread
  • Second Harvest
  • Bike Brigade
  • and our amazing donors

Volunteering at the Avenue Road Food Bank:

  • We are able operate and serve our food bank community because of the time and skills of our many committed volunteers.
  • We regularly bring new in volunteers for many roles. Please email us at with your interest and availability.
  • We are always looking for drivers for local food picks and deliveries.
  • All volunteers must fill out applications, and sign policy and privacy agreements.


  • We accept non-perishable food donations on Wednesday mornings at the ”Bell Tower” door.
  • We are NOT currently accepting clothing donations.
  • Monetary donations support food and supply purchases made by the food bank – see Donations for information.

We are committed to providing food to our community. We have safety protocols in place during COVID-19.