The Church of the Messiah, with a grant from the city government, has created a pollinator garden. Distressed by the decline of bees, and many other environmental problems, we have decided to take a positive step. We have been delighted at the willingness of our community: our congregation, our foodbank volunteers, the children of the Unicorn Day Care, and our neighbours to help with the planting and upkeep, and we are grateful to the city for the Pollinator Grant that made it possible.

First the beds were prepared

Then a plan was made

Then came planting day in June with people from the neighbourhood, foodbank volunteers and church members all working together.

Fearless leader Jen Gommerman (a long time church member, and microbiologist) applied for the grant, designed the gardens and directed the activities

Here’s what it looks like now!

Next step is installing timed soaker hosers and applying mulch. Other opportunities for volunteering will come up – so be sure to keep watching this spot! Or sign up for our newsletter to keep posted.